Clickteam Fusion is one of the smarter tools for developers to easily create applications on which time can’t be spent. This software can be a fast&easy “toy” to make little games or piece of software but it can also become a great and reliable tool to make big games and useful software (several well known Indiegames have been made with Fusion).
However, the power of Fusion is not only the “fast&easy” part, it’s also the clever way you can make things work thanks to a useful event editor and various advanced functions (multi-platform export runtime, animation editor, sub-applications, pixel shaders, integrated data, etc.).
With Fusion, we can compile a Windows app with a mouse click, or target additional platforms like iOS, Android, Flash, XNA (Windows Mobile phone and Xbox), Java and HTML5 thanks to optional exporters.
A big Community supports the Clickteam tools and many “extensions” (plugins) are always developed and/or updated (in C/C++ and in the various languages used for the various Fusion runtimes).
Clickteam Homepage
Fusion Community
List of Extensions
Unofficial list of many extensions
Plugins available
Versions (Normal and Developer)
Story of a Developer
I developed a lot of mini games. Some are quite funny and some are pretty crappy. However, all of them were made with love and smile.
The game development became a real passion as soon as I started using “Klik&Play” (released in 1995). I evolved to Games Factory, Multimedia Fusion and Clickteam Fusion over time. I also used Director, Virtools and Flash. All of those development tools are quite nice to make games. This kind of tools allow the developer to focus on GameDesign without spending too much time on the programming problems (like memory management, resource allocation, creation of common functions etc.).
From 2003 to 2010, I learnt some programming languages such as C/C++ (with the basics of OpenGL and DirectX with GLSL and HLSL), Java and HTML5 but I never stopped using Fusion to fastly build the tools I needed without sacrificing time.