PhysicDraw is a sandbox game developed with Multimedia Fusion 2.0 and made possible thanks to extensions developped in C/C++. At the beginning, this game was nothing more than a test tool to debug Fusion extensions using Chipmunk Physics, Box2D and a private one I was developing myself to dynamically draw Vector Shapes (extension brilliantly named “Vectorial Shape Object”).
The first version of the game has been released online in February 2008 and was very well welcomed by users. Many users enjoyed the game and came with many ideas and bug reports as well as very nice encouragements. I was very happy to develop this game and its associated extension.
The hard reality of life came and I wasn’t able to get enough time to continue working on this project. But who knows? Maybe a new version could come in the future…
Download the latest PhysicDraw version
First Forum that PhysicDraw used
PhysicDraw is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Hours of work
Magical Colors
Story of mini Buzz
Some days after the release, a bi-monthly magazine decided to write an article about PhysicDraw. The article appeared in “Canard PC”, a french bi-monthly magazine in March 2008.
After that, I was in contact with the CPC team and have considered working on the concept with more graphics that would have been created by the illustrator of the magazine… Unfortunately, my Job took most of my time and the project has been suspended.

This video is a demonstration of the 3rd beta of PhysicDraw Sandbox Game.
It’s an original video “art” created by Adam (a user of the Clickteam Community) showing one of the many things you can do with the Magical Marker Colors (such as drawing a Balloon like in the vid or anything else like catapults, machines, cars, flying carpets, … ).
You can download the latest version of PhysicDraw on this page (look at the top).
Thanks Adam for this nice demo! 😉