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Mobile Application for Train Travelers in France on iOS, Android, WindowsPhone, Blackberry and Windows8

Voyages-SNCF Mobile App allows users to book, manage and change their train travels easily, directly with a Mobile device. The application is available on iOS, Android, WindowsPhone , Blackberry and Windows8 (Windows Store).

 With the app you can:

  • manage your account with personalized profiles
  • pay with a single click, or take an option on a fare
  • save on travel with your own Special Deals list and our fare calendar
  • get traffic updates in real time
  • use m-tickets for selected destinations
  • review past trips

SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français; “National society of French railways”) operates the country’s national rail services, including the TGV, France’s high-speed rail network. Its functions include operation of railway services for passengers and freight, and maintenance and signalling of rail infrastructure owned by Réseau Ferré de France (RFF).


Voyages-SNCF, list of features

iTunes AppStore

Voyages-SNCF for iPhone/iPad

Google Play

Voyages-SNCF for Android

WindowsPhone Store

Voyages-SNCF for WindowsPhone

Windows Store

Voyages-SNCF for Windows8


SNCF Website for Mobile Apps

Millions Downloads


Users from Mobile Devices

Billion Euros of Sales Volume

Supported OS as Native App

Story of a Technical Project Manager

I started working at Voyages-SNCF the 1st October 2011 as a Technical Project Manager.

I was in charge of various projects such as updates with new features, redesigns and new OS support for the Mobile Applications “Voyages-SNCF” (also called Horaires&Résa; “Schedules&Booking“).

I established plannings, participated in time&budget estimations, helped to realize the Marketing needs and ideas, discussed technical solutions and synchronized all involved teams during the development, testing and installation in the production environment.

That was a very technical and multi-skills Job and I have very good memories of it.

Voyages-SNCF on iPhone (Result of a Search)
Voyages-SNCF on iPhone (List of Train Tickets)
Voyages-SNCF on iPhone (QRcode of a Train Ticket)
Voyages-SNCF on Windows8 (as a tile in the Metro UI)
Voyages-SNCF on Window8 (Search screen)
Voyages-SNCF on Windows8 (Result of a Search)